Field Spotlight: Aubrey Hodgins

Posted on March 27, 2019

We’re featuring some of our field staff in this new series. Up first is Aubrey Hodgins, Engineering Staff 1. Aubrey works out of our Seattle location. 

What does a typical working day at GeoDesign look like for you?

A typical work day for me usually starts with picking up the nuke gauge and driving to the job site. The first thing that I do is talk to the contractors to see what their plan is for the day and then I observe what they are working on, which has lately included testing backfill for utility trenches and checking footing subgrades. Then I make any calls or e-mails that need to be made to our project manager, return the nuke gauge, and write the field report.

What’s your favorite project you’ve worked on so far? Why?

Since I’ve only worked full-time on two projects so far, I would say my favorite out of the two is the project I’m currently working on, which is the Simpson Everett Riverfront project. I started working on the project in its third phase of constructing a residential neighborhood, so it has been interesting to see the finished product of houses and roads from phases 1 and 2 on one side, as well as getting to see step by step how an empty field becomes a neighborhood.

What’s your favorite thing about working in the field in general?

There are a lot of things I like about working in the field, but I think my favorite aspect is getting to see a lot of different types of construction and being able to practically help those projects move forward. Getting to work outside on a really nice day is also a major plus.

Any advice for someone just starting out in the field?

As someone who still needs and asks for advice, I would tell someone new to the job to not be afraid to ask questions or talk to people on job sites. I have found that most of the time, people are ready and willing to help you out and answer your questions if you just ask.

Favorite and least favorite food?

Favorite: my mom’s cheesy potatoes

Least favorite: dark chocolate

Last album you listened to?

A Night at the Opera – Queen

What might someone be surprised to know about you?

I am not a huge coffee drinker

Favorite vacation spot?
