
Field Pics from the Archives

Posted on February 7, 2018

While paging through our digital library looking for newer project photos, we discovered a number of pics from older projects that are definitely worth a share. Our geotech and environmental staffers get to see some amazing sights out in the field – and some of these amazing sights have been sitting hidden in folders, waiting […]

Categories: Blog, Projects

Happy (Belated) Birthday to the Aerial Tram

Posted on January 31, 2018

Lower tram station

We’re big fans of the PDX Aerial Tram around here, especially since we were there at the beginning (we conducted geotechnical investigations for the site). The Tram’s big 10th anniversary was last year on January 27th, but we thought – why not celebrate number 11 with a few baby pics and fun facts? Happy birthday, […]

Categories: Blog, Projects

Hidden Portland

Posted on December 5, 2017

(or: Weird Things I’ve Learned about PDX because of My Job) Before I came to work for GeoDesign, my knowledge of PDX was limited to awesome places to eat and Powell’s Books. And that’s not a bad place to start, but there’s a lot more to Portland than meets the eye. I’ve learned a lot […]

Categories: Blog

Field Q&A: Steve Vandecoevering, Environmental Field Staff

Posted on October 23, 2017

Methane Sampling

What’s environmental field work really like? We asked Steve Vandecoevering to tell us about his daily work, advice for field staff just starting out, and more: What do you like most about field work? I love being out in the elements, especially the cool days of spring and fall, and the opportunity to stay physically […]

Categories: Blog, Technical

Field Q&A: Jessica Pence, Geotechnical Field Staff

Posted on October 3, 2017

What’s geotechnical field work really like? We asked geotechnical field staffer Jessica Pence about her work, what she loves about it, and advice for those just starting out: What do you like most about field work? I like that it’s hands-on. You are able to see what is happening and what something is actually going […]

Categories: Technical

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