
How You Can Help

Posted on July 28, 2020

Our communities are strongly feeling the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. If you’re looking for ways to reach out and help, these organizations are doing wonderful things for Oregon – your donations will help to fight hunger and homelessness, helping our most vulnerable populations during this unprecedented time: Central City Concern: We’re proud to have […]

Categories: Blog, Uncategorized

The Story of Cully Park

Posted on December 10, 2019

Special thanks to DEQ, ESA, and Verde, whose text was adapted for this blog; additional thanks for included photos.  Portland’s Cully Park has been open to the public for over a year now, giving the neighborhood (once Portland’s most park-deprived) a place to gather and play. We’re so proud to be a part of the […]

Games that Rock

Posted on April 15, 2019

It’s Tax Day, and if you need to de-stress (or procrastinate even more), there’s no better way than by indulging your geological side with video games that “rock.” (We’ll show ourselves out…) Skyrim – Come for the epic battles, stay for the compressional and extensional faults. Stardew Valley – This game is mostly about farming, […]

Categories: Blog, Uncategorized

Field Spotlight: John Hook

Posted on April 3, 2019

We’re featuring some of our field staff in this new series. Up next is John Hook, Geologist. John works out of our Wilsonville location.  What does a typical working day at NV5 look like for you? Explorations and more explorations. Generally, 70% field/30% office (or less in the office if we are busy). Office time […]

Field Spotlight: Aubrey Hodgins

Posted on March 27, 2019

We’re featuring some of our field staff in this new series. Up first is Aubrey Hodgins, Engineering Staff 1. Aubrey works out of our Seattle location.  What does a typical working day at GeoDesign look like for you? A typical work day for me usually starts with picking up the nuke gauge and driving to […]

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