Field Spotlight: John Hook

Posted on April 3, 2019

We’re featuring some of our field staff in this new series. Up next is John Hook, Geologist. John works out of our Wilsonville location. 

What does a typical working day at NV5 look like for you?

Explorations and more explorations. Generally, 70% field/30% office (or less in the office if we are busy). Office time is spent getting ready or checking in data from the last round and helping with various reports or report portions.

What’s your favorite project you’ve worked on so far? Why?

The zoo train rail grade from Washington Park to the Portland Zoo is high on my list. The zoo train took our drill rig and personnel to and from locations along the track. I got to sit on the very front of the train on the ride home, while we passed another train full of small children. The envy was palpable.

What’s your favorite thing about working in the field in general?

Being outside. And if I am allowed more than one, the infinite variety of geology.

Any advice for someone just starting out in the field?

Don’t worry about the things and events beyond your control. Focus on what you can do.

Favorite & and least favorite food?

Right now, noodles from Kenny’s Noodle house on 82nd and Powell [in Portland, OR]. I don’t really have a least favorite food.

Last album you listened to?

The Gilded Palace of Sin – The Flying Burrito Brothers

Favorite vacation spot?

Oregon Coast

Book you recommend?

All the King’s Men – Robert Penn Warren