Get Outside with GeoDesign

Posted on October 2, 2018

Cully Park

We haven’t quite hit the rainy season in Oregon yet – why not get outside and explore some beautiful local parks (which also happen to be GeoDesign projects)?

Marquam Nature Park Trailhead

Cully Park (Portland) – We provided environmental services at Cully Park, assisting ESA, the City of Portland, Verde, and the rest of the team with development of this much-needed community area. Just opened this summer, this former landfill is now 25 acres of trails, picnic areas, a fitness course, and more.

Marquam Nature Park (Portland) –  GeoDesign’s geotechnical team worked on improvements to miles of trail and several new pedestrian bridges at this site. The hiking here is gorgeous, but it gets muddy, so get out there before the rains start – it’s worth it!

Memorial Park (Wilsonville) – GeoDesign provided geotechnical and pavement design services for the renovation of the Memorial Park parking area. Go for the awesome parking lot, stay for the half mile of Willamette River frontage (and pickleball courts, of course).

Minto Island Pedestrian and Bicycle Bridge (Salem) – This one’s a bonus, because it’s actually a bridge between two parks: Minto-Brown Park and Riverfront Park. GeoDesign completed geotechnical design, environmental, and construction support for this project. Bring your bike!