Happy (Belated) Birthday to the Aerial Tram

Posted on January 31, 2018

We’re big fans of the PDX Aerial Tram around here, especially since we were there at the beginning (we conducted geotechnical investigations for the site). The Tram’s big 10th anniversary was last year on January 27th, but we thought – why not celebrate number 11 with a few baby pics and fun facts?

Happy birthday, Tram. You don’t look a day over…well, 11!

Upper Tram Station

Fun facts:

  • Each of the tram cars weighs 13,195 pounds
  • Their names are Jean & Walt, named for the first female engineering graduate from OSU (Jean Richardson) and the first African American graduate from OHSU (Walt Reynolds)
  • The tram cars were made in Switzerland
  • The trip between terminals is 3 minutes

Afraid of heights? We’ve got you covered. Enjoy this virtual ride on the tram by videographer Timo Schlüssel, followed by tram rides all over the world.


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