Happy (early) Earth Day!

Posted on April 19, 2017

Protecting the environment is important to GeoDesign, from our new Wilsonville headquarters (remanufactured cubicles, recycling, and

Work continues on the Bond Avenue Extension

bike parking) to working on projects that improve the natural and built environment.

Right now, we’re providing environmental services on several projects at Portland’s South Waterfront District, which continues to grow with new buildings and infrastructure.

Knight Cancer Research Building (LEED Gold pending):

For this project, which is being constructed on a former brownfield site, we’re acting as regulatory liaison. We’ve also prepared a remedial design/remedial action (RD/RA) work plan and report, covering the management of any contaminated media (e.g., soil, groundwater). Additionally, we’ve provided excavation observation.

GeoDesign’s Andre DeJonge suits up for some soil sampling

SW Bond Avenue Extension

For the SW Bond Ave project, we conducted pre-construction soil characterization work – determining whether soil was hazardous or non-hazardous, and how that soil should be dealt with. We also prepared an RD/RA report and a health and safety plan. Currently, we’re providing excavation observation during construction of this roadway.

SW Meade Street Extension:

We’ve been conducting pre-construction soil characterization here as well, and will conduct environmental construction observation to ensure compliance with the RD/RA work plan and other documentation. We’re in the process of preparing the work plan, and we will also provide excavation observation during construction.

Working with our partners on these projects, we’re helping to identify any potential hazardous conditions and are working daily to find solutions. Check out our Environmental Consulting page to learn more about what we do.