
Bridgeport Village, Tigard, Oregon


Bridgeport Village is Tigard’s premier entertainment and shopping district. GeoDesign has supported Washington County’s Department of Land Use and Transportation with methane monitoring and regulatory reporting for Bridgeport Village for several years, assisting the County with:

  • routine methane monitoring
  • extraction system monitoring, maintenance, and optimization
  • 24-hour methane alarm responses
  • methane sensor testing and replacement
  • methane panel battery testing

GeoDesign and the County have collected an abundance of monitoring data that demonstrates the engineering controls at the site are effectively preventing methane from migrating into structures.


  • Through our work with the County, we continue to ensure that Bridgeport Village is an environmentally safe area.
  • We were instrumental in turning an underused 28-acre site into a high-profile entertainment and shopping destination.
  • We have helped the County to save a significant amount of money by:
    • using collected data to negotiate a reduction of necessary monitoring/testing with DEQ
    • providing training to County personnel so they can conduct routine monitoring in-house


Methane monitoring, extraction system monitoring, methane sensor testing and replacement, pavement design, geotechnical engineering