
Cheney Stadium, Tacoma, Washington


GeoDesign provided geotechnical consulting services to support Phase II of the Cheney Stadium Low Impact Development retrofit project, which included replacing a section of the Cheney Stadium parking area with pervious asphalt pavement and the construction of infiltration trenches and bioretention planters.

Pervious asphalt installed prior to our involvement had begun to ravel and deteriorate under wheel loads. We recommended a new porous asphalt section in Phase II that used a two-layer system and a higher grade asphalt binder, shown to be less susceptible to raveling and plugging.

During construction, we were on site to observe subgrade preparation, placement of reservoir rock, paving activities, and verification infiltration testing.


The new porous asphalt section we recommended is less susceptible to the deterioration that plagued the previously installed asphalt.


Geotechnical consulting, pavement consulting, infiltration testing, construction observation