
LAX Midfield Satellite Concourse, Los Angeles, California


GeoDesign is providing geotechnical services for the Midfield Satellite Concourse (MSC) project at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). The project includes:

  • Construction of a new international terminal parallel to the existing Tom Bradley International Terminal (TBIT)
  • Cut-and-cover passenger and baggage/utility tunnels that will connect the new MSC to the existing TBIT
  • A baggage optimization component that will include additional tunnels and buildings
  • A new power plant that will provide power to the entire new complex of structures and facilities and a corresponding large-sized utility duct bank to connect the new MSC building to the remote power plant

In addition to providing geotechnical design and geotechnical construction support for the new terminal and baggage optimization construction project (geotechnical engineering design services began in August 2015), GeoDesign is providing geotechnical instrumentation and monitoring services. This has involved developing a customized remote instrumentation and monitoring program in order to allow construction to proceed over an existing large-diameter sewer tunnel.

Geotechnical aspects of the project include several types of deep foundations, temporary shoring, and a full suite of geotechnical instrumentation and monitoring. Excavation and shoring are currently underway, with foundations planned over the next several months.

We are also providing continuing geotechnical construction observation and testing services.


  • GeoDesign has worked closely as part of the design team to develop practical and cost-effective geotechnical design recommendations, including developing and implementing a cost-effective and value-adding instrumentation and monitoring program.
  • GeoDesign also led numerous innovative efforts to develop customized solutions to facilitate the design development and construction, including the use of low-density concrete over existing tunnels and the use of torque-drive displacement pile foundations, among others.


geotechnical design services, geotechnical construction support, geotechnical instrumentation and monitoring services