
Maytown Sand and Gravel Pit, Thurston County, Washington


GeoDesign helped complete an aggregate resource evaluation for the Port of Tacoma’s proposed Maytown sand and gravel pit. Our work included taking samples of sand and gravel. Boring logs and results of sample testing were used to develop cross sections showing the aggregate-bearing units on site. This information helped determine the aggregate volume and value of the deposit.

We also coordinated between departments in the Port of Tacoma and the owners of Maytown Aggregates, who bought the property from the Port. During the sale, we served as a point of contact between the Port of Tacoma, Thurston County, and Washington State Departments of Natural Resources and Ecology for complex permitting issues.


As a connecting point between managers from various agencies, GeoDesign helped bring the project to successful permitted status.


Mining resource evaluation, mine plan development, mine permitting, sonic drilling investigation, laboratory testing, materials resource report