
Richmond Beach Saltwater Park, Shoreline, WA


GeoDesign provided geotechnical services to the City of Shoreline for improvements to Richmond Beach Saltwater Park. We were brought on board late in the permitting process to address development in geologic hazard areas at the park, and to provide a geotechnical investigation to support the design of the proposed improvements. To support the permit application schedule, we separated our services into two phases: a geologic hazard report and a geotechnical investigation.

We completed the Phase I geologic hazard report within three weeks after the notice-to-proceed. We completed the Phase II geotechnical investigation shortly thereafter, providing recommendations for permanent cut and fill slopes, infiltration rates for pervious pavement design, and slope protection, including gabion retaining walls.

Park renovations were completed in March 2009.


Through the use of historical information, we obtained an exemption for steep slope critical areas by showing that they were engineered slopes created during past grading activities. This had a significant impact on the project, as it decreased the environmental review required for the plans.

By phasing the geotechnical services, we were able to provide the design team with the information that was required, when it was required, and we helped keep the project moving forward.

Client Testimonial

geotechnical investigation, geologic hazard report