Project Focus: OHSU Knight Cancer Research Building

Posted on January 4, 2017

GeoDesign is proud to be a part of the project team bringing the Knight Cancer Research Building to life. This groundbreaking facility is currently under construction, and we are excited to be working with Catena Consulting Engineers, SRG Partnership, Inc., McCarthy Building Companies, Andersen Construction, and the rest of the incredible project team.

Knight Cancer Research Building – Fast Facts:

  • The new facility will be 320,000 square feet
  • It will house up to 600 researchers and administrators
  • Located just north of OHSU’s Collaborative Life Sciences Building
  • Two floors of the structure will be dedicated to early detection of cancer
  • Expected to open in July of 2018

GeoDesign is currently involved with the project both as an environmental and geotechnical consultant. On the environmental side, we are working as a regulatory liaison and are providing construction and post-construction services, including development and implementation of a Remedial Design/Remedial Action plan. On the geotechnical side, we completed a series of subsurface explorations and produced a report discussing geotechnical considerations prior to construction. Our geotechnical staff continues to provide geotechnical observation services during construction.

For more information about the Knight Cancer Research Building, watch OHSU’s video below: